Puppy Training 101: Best YouTube Channels to Cover the Basics

Puppy Training 101: Best YouTube Channels to Cover the Basics

There is so much to learn in the world of puppyhood and no quicker way to get your head around the basics then popping on some value packed YouTube videos that get to the point with all the juicy information. Here at Riff Raff our team has had their fair share of puppy training experience and we have prepared for you the ultimate YouTube channel list to save you all the research! Familiarise yourself with these videos and you'll be on the fast track to raising a dream puppy!

Cesar Milan

Wildly known for his Emmy-nominated television series Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan, Cesar's YouTube channel is a great resource for pet parents that focuses not only on dog training, but training the owner too! Sounds weird right? But it's amazing all you will learn about dog psychology and how our training techniques can best align with their way of thinking. Approaching your training from the perspective of your doggo makes it even more effective and sets the perfect foundation to creating desirable behavioural outcomes.

How to House Train Your Puppy

How to Step Puppy Biting & Chewing

How to Stop a Puppy Jumping

How to Train a Dream Dog

Michelle Lennon is a certified trainer with 20 years of professional experience, making her to perfect person to teach you all the basics. Toilet training, crate training and all the first cues like sit, down, stay and "come" will be a breeze under her comprehensive guidance. She focuses heavily on teaching you how to raise a dog with good manors and has a abundance of free resources available via her mailing list should you want to take your training to the next level!

What to Expect in the First Year

Creating a Daily Puppy Schedule

10 Hacks to Help you Pup Love the Crate

Will Atherton Canine Training

Will has a well balanced approach to dog training and is also the author of the best selling book 'Raising and Training Perfect Puppies - The Missing Secret to Success'. He focuses heavily on building the relationship with your pooch and creating a sense of trust and respect as the foundation for establishing yourself as the leader of the pack (and having better success with your dog training). Don't let his rugged appearance fool you, this guy is a big softie and you'll appreciate the high pitched voice he uses when training his pups.

First 24 Hours

Stop Biting in Seconds

3 Things to Teach Puppy

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